Collapse of the Science vs Religion Schism
This 400 Year Odyssey Has Ended!
Leading Edge Science Now Supports and Validates Religion and Metaphysics
Author: Craig Hane, Ph.D. aka Dr. Del
A Companion Message from the author of “Secrets for an Amazingly Abundant Life”
Click here to download a PDF of the Collapse of Schism
This Odyssey is now OVER. Leading Edge Science now supports, rationalizes, validates, and expands Religion and Metaphysics.
This is thanks to Dr. William Tiller, a scientist whom I consider to be OUR modern 21st Century Galileo.
Galileo is considered by many to be the Father of modern Western Science, and the unwilling instigator of the Science versus Religion schism launched almost 400 years ago, that has plagued Western Civilization ever since.
In 1616 Galileo was accused by the Christian Church of promoting a scientific model and theory that was believed to contradict the Bible. He was convicted of heresy in 1633 and spent his remaining life under house arrest.
No one today, including the most devout Christian, believes that the Sun revolves around the Earth and that the Earth is the center of the Universe. Of course we now know that the Universe actually has no center, not even the Sun.
For almost four centuries Western humanity has had an almost schizophrenic dichotomy between its religious beliefs and its scientific beliefs, which to many people seem to be in contradiction. Our civilization has been profoundly affected by this paradox.
This paradox has presented a great conundrum for educated men and women. Many have felt obligated to “choose sides” between religious beliefs and scientific beliefs.
Some have chosen to “ride the fence” so to speak and selectively believe various things from each “camp”. But, this can be a very rough ride for a really thoughtful person. A “fence rider” has had to deny certain beliefs held by the each side. An example of this is the Evolution versus Creation view of things.
Are there really miracles? Is there a soul? If so, what is it? And, where does it reside? Is there an afterlife, heaven and hell? Is there a God? And if there is a God, just what is God really like? Can we possibly understand these things? And, on and on.
Amazingly, very recently, Science has evolved to a point where it is now validating many of the beliefs and “facts” from religion. Very few people, including most scientists, and even fewer religious leaders are aware of this, and do not understand it.
As a student and teacher of mathematics, I have been able to look at both sides of this “debate” in a fairly detached manner. My “career” does not depend on either side winning. I am a long time “fence rider”. I have always seen much truth, and falsity, in both sides.
Mathematics transcends both science and religion. It is very theoretical, and, indeed, the concepts and ideas of mathematics are totally “imaginations” of the mind and transcend any ordinary “reality”.
For example, there are no “irrational” or “infinitesimal” numbers in the physical world, only in the theoretical world of mathematics in the imaginations in our minds.
In fact, it took many centuries from their initial discovery for mathematicians to manage to include irrational numbers into mathematics (mid 1800’s) in an acceptable rigorous modern way, and it was less than fifty years ago (1966) when mathematicians finally managed to include infinitesimal numbers into mathematics.
Even today (circa 2013) infinitesimals are not included in our calculus textbooks, although they make the understanding and practice of calculus much easier. Of course, today our Standard High School Mathematics Curriculum is very “plugged up” with obsolete algorithms and concepts to the point it is dysfunctional for most students. But, that’s a topic for other discussions. You may visit my website: for an explication of this.
To understand how and why this “Science versus Religion” Odyssey has come to an end, we must understand how Science has developed over the last four centuries. [If you just want the “punch line” jump ahead to “The Odyssey is over”.]
First, Galileo introduced the concept of creating a mathematical model of a physical phenomenon and then testing it with rigorous repeatable experiments. This was a great departure from our Greek heritage and methods. For example, Galileo proved that the proper mathematical model for the path of a projectile was a parabola and not a circle, as Aristotle believed without experimental verification.
Galileo also invented the telescope and was able to verify the Copernican theory of how planets revolved around the Sun, and how other planets had moons. This is what got him in trouble with the Church and started the Schism between Science and Religion.
Then Newton formulated the mathematical models for the Laws of Motion, and for Gravity. He verified Kepler’s findings that the planets traveled in elliptical orbits around the Sun. Newtonian physics was the foundation for modern mechanical and hydraulics technologies which fueled the first industrial revolution in the 1700’s and 1800’s, which began to create our modern civilization.
Humans were vaguely aware that there were phenomena of electricity and magnetism, but had no idea of what they were or how they might ever be used in any practical way. Ben Franklin began to understand the phenomena of electricity in the 1700’s with the invention of batteries and lightening rods.
Then in the 1800’s Faraday conducted a series of brilliant and subtle experiments culminating in Faraday’s Laws which connected the phenomena of electricity and magnetism.
Then the physicist Maxwell created a mathematical model of these phenomena called “Maxwell’s Equations” which fully explained Electricity and Magnetism and led to the second industrial revolution involving electricity and radio, think Tesla and Edison and AC electricity and radio and television.
Maxwell’s equations also led to predictions about the behavior of light and other electromagnetic waves that led to Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity which totally reformulated our understanding of Time, and the role Speed and Mass play in the true Laws of Motion. Newton’s Laws of Motion were replaced by much better Laws.
Also, Einstein applied a new concept created by Planck to lay the foundations of what became known as Quantum Theory (Einstein won the Nobel Prize for this 1905 work, not for his creation of Relativity Theory.)
Then in 1915, Einstein expanded his Relativity Theory to include the concept of Gravity, General Relativity, which now replaced Newton’s, and mankind’s, conceptions of time and space and gravity.
These two Theories, Quantum and Relativity, launched the third industrial revolution which has resulted in many of our modern technologies we are all so familiar with. For example, GPS would not work with Newton’s old models. Both of Einstein’s Relativity Theories are required to make GPS work.
Most modern electronics and communications technologies are based on QED, Quantum Electro Dynamics, which is the modern version of Quantum Theory. QED explains how chemistry works. We have recently learned that the basis of all life on Earth as we know it, Photosynthesis, is ruled by Quantum Theory too.
Now it turns out, QED results in several “facts” which are extremely counterintuitive and which most people are totally unaware of. One “fact” is that human consciousness apparently plays an important role in physical reality such as demonstrated by the Quantum Eraser experiment.
Another “fact” is Bell’s Theorem which demonstrates the non-local nature of reality which seems to violate Einstein’s Speed of Light communication limit.
The great physicist Richard Feynman, one of the creators of modern QED, once said that anyone who thinks they understand QED clearly doesn’t understand it. He was apparently referring to the very counter-intuitive nature of QED, such as the concept that a particle travels all possible paths from A to B and the counter-intuitive Double Slit Experiment, and non-local behavior like Bell’s Theorem.
Now, another interesting outcome of all of this is that our two modern physics theories, QED and General Relativity, are INCOMPATIBLE. They contradict each other in certain fundamental ways. So today’s modern physicists are laboring mightily to come up with a new “SUPER THEORY” which will resolve this conundrum.
Scientists today also have to deal with the existence of what experimentalists recently discovered called Dark Matter and Dark Energy, two different physical phenomena which our current theories do not explain at all.
Scientists have also discovered that many physical phenomena seem to operate from some type of holographic principle. This is true of the brain and memory, and also now seemingly true from the latest “Black Hole” theories in physics.
Now, while all of this had been going on for the last four centuries, scientists have basically ignored religion, and visa versa. Modern science has ignored and denigrated many of the historical accounts and beliefs present in most religions. Science certainly ignores the concepts of an afterlife and a spiritual soul.
Science ignores any type of what is called paranormal phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, OBE, NDE, etc. If a phenomenon does not have an explanation within our current physical paradigms or theories, then it is assumed not to exist.
Certainly, modern scientists do not believe in the miracles of Jesus, and the claims of other faiths as well.
So, for the last 400 years this Schism between Science and Religion (and other mystical phenomena) has been a challenge and conundrum for the human race, at least in the Western world.
What an Odyssey!
Well, guess what Boys and Girls?
The Odyssey is over!
There is now a new Scientific Paradigm which supersedes our old theories and adds a whole new “dimension” to our understanding of reality. Not unlike QED and Relativity overriding Newton’s and our other Ignorances.
The crux of the matter is this. Our current scientific paradigms and theories assume that all the matter that exists satisfies Einstein’s prohibition on anything traveling faster than the speed of light, c. But, this is WRONG!
Dr. Tiller postulates the existence of “matter” that “disobeys” this restriction. Let’s call this matter Supraphysical matter, SM for short, whereas all the matter we are so familiar with is just called Physical matter, PM for short. These are terms I have made up for this message.
SM travels faster than the speed of light. Vibration frequencies not possible with PM are now achievable, with no obvious upper limit. SM is governed by a set of equations similar to Maxwell’s Equations for PM. SM is quite independent of PM. Light is somehow the interface of the SM universe and the PM universe.
Where is SM? Everywhere. The PM Universe is coexistent with the SM Universe, and indeed totally dependent on it, and visa versa. You may think of the SM and PM Universes as embedded in each other. Totally intertwined.
In the SM Universe everything is interconnected virtually instantaneously. Signals travel at speeds multiple powers of c, the speed of light.
The SM “stuff” reacts very subtly with the PM “stuff”. Tiller postulates this interaction is via something he calls Deltrons.
Does this sound like fantasy or science fiction to you? It certainly does to most current scientists. It is probably more believable to persons who have strong spiritual beliefs. Tiller’s model is quite consistent with many of the ancient, and current, religious and metaphysical teachings.
So, if Tiller’s model is correct, what does that mean for you?
Well for starters, you not only consist of PM, but also SM. However, your ordinary senses only perceive the PM part of you. Apparently some people can perceive the SM part of you. The SM part of you is where your spirit or soul probably resides.
When your physical body dies, your spiritual body lives on in the SM part of the world. That is where “the afterlife” is. We are embedded right now in this SM world. So in some sense we are already in Heaven and Hell! Big Surprise? Not!
When we die we will shed our PM shackles which keep us from perceiving our SM world. In the afterlife in the SM world, Time and Space have no meaning. These are PM concepts and limitations. Eternity takes on a radically new meaning in the SM world.
Clearly, none of us really “understand” this SM world. This SM world is probably beyond our “rational mind” understanding. Perhaps, mystics and enlightened souls have a better perception of it. In fact, if you read the Bible with this new model in mind, it makes some things make a lot more sense.
Personally, I believe that our memories are stored as vibration signals in the SM part of us, and that our brains are a type of transmitter/receiver of these memories. The closest thing I know that we can compare this to in the PM world is a hologram.
I believe some of us, with training or maybe just luck, can tap into the SM part of ourselves and learn and achieve many things totally unexplainable via the PM part of us.
I think Edgar Cayce was a modern example of this. I believe Jesus was an example of this. I think many mystics over the ages have been examples of this.
I consider that everything in the PM universe consists of electrons. Electrons are everywhere. They are in every atom in every particle of PM. Electrons are governed by the principles of QED which are totally counterintuitive. QED explains all known non-nuclear PM phenomena.
Yet, humans were essentially ignorant of electrons for 99.9% of humanity’s existence. Only in the last 100 years or so have we come to understand electrons the way we do today with QED.
I think SM is very similar. It is everywhere. It influences and in some sense controls everything we think and do. But, we in the modern Western World civilization have been ignorant of it, or have ignored phenomena associated with it until recently.
Indeed, Dr. Tiller is the first scientist to really approach SM from a modern scientific approach. He has set up repeatable undeniable experiments to demonstrate SM’s existence and begin to understand its properties and SM’s relationship to PM and to us.
Tiller is where Galileo was 400 years ago! Tiller is a pioneer pointing the way to a new scientific paradigm and theory. Tiller’s Equations for SM are a “hypothesis” to begin to work from.
Of course, the current scientific establishment ignores Tiller, and even condemns him, much like the Church treated Galileo.
Now, we await a Newton to lead us further. Then, an Einstein, etc. Tiller points out that we are at the very beginning of our journey to understand this new science paradigm, just as we were at the beginning of modern science in Galileo’s day.
Probably new mathematics will have to be developed to create a better more thorough model to explicate this new paradigm. Just as Newton, and his contemporaries, developed the calculus.
It may be true that the new mathematics developed for String Theory, or Holograms, will be the answer to this. I certainly don’t know at this time of my life.
What I do know is that based on all the information available to me that I can understand I believe Dr. Tiller is the furthest along in understanding this new science. All other scientists I study still only recognize the existence of PM stuff. Even the latest Superstring theories and Quantum Gravity only deal with PM stuff. Of course, Quantum Theory has a mathematical model that is totally unintuitive and not possible to understand with an analogy to our familiar PM world view. That’s why Feynman said he didn’t “understand” QED.
So what does all of this mean for YOU?
The answer might be EVERYTHING!
I can only tell you what it means for me, and perhaps you can extrapolate it into something meaningful for you.
What this Tillerian SM model has done for me is RESTORE my faith in the Soul, the Afterlife, Jesus’s teachings, and even more importantly, in five practices or “Secrets” which have governed my life.
I discovered some of these “Secrets” quite by happenstance many years ago and had no idea or concept of how or why they worked. They just did.
In fact, I wouldn’t tell anyone about these five Secrets or Beliefs or Practices of mine for fear of ridicule.
Then came Tiller!
And, as my life and studies progressed I have begun to understand these practices and principles at an ever deeper level, and now, finally, understand Why they work.
So, now I am ready to share them with you and everyone else. If anyone ridicules them, then it is their ignorance and I don’t care at all about their opinion or judgment, until they can explain Tiller to me.
I have written about five of these “Secrets” in another message to you entitled, “Secrets of an Amazingly Abundant Life”.
This message is a sort of preamble for that message. Now there is no big mystery to me as to why these five practices work. And, they work better and better the older I get and the more I practice them.
I believe they can transform, or at least radically improve, anyone’s life. They will empower you to have an amazingly abundant life, in all respects.
I believe that if everyone practiced them, we would finally be living in a humanity that God originally conceived for us. No war, no poverty, and universal Love.
By the very fact you have read this message, we are connected.
I love you and wish for you the best for your life.
I know you can “have it all” if and when you learn the Secrets.