Secrets for an Amazingly Abundant Life

“Secrets for an Amazingly Abundant Life”

 Increasing your EQ and, thus, Improving Your

 Health, Wealth, and Life

 Author: Craig Hane, Ph.D. aka Dr. Del

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Chapter 1:  The Purpose

The primary purpose of this message is to share with you a way to control and influence your emotions so you can enjoy optimal health and professional and personal success.

Three very easy to learn and perform Meditations, or “secrets”, can literally transform your life by empowering you to deal with many situations which can easily cause you to suffer from negative emotions and resulting improper behavior, decision making or poor health.

It will only cost you a few hours to learn about these Meditations.  Then, their mastery will literally save you tons of time and more importantly improve your health and wealth beyond your wildest dreams.

The fourth “secret” may literally transform your life and empower you to create the abundance you desire.  It was the most important discovery for me in my life.

The fifth “secret” may give you a great peace of mind, and release you from many fears of loss you may currently have, including the fear of death.  This might be the most valuable thing you get from this message.

Chapter 2:  The Foundation

Studies have shown that in both business and personal situations a person’s EQ, or Emotional Quotient, is more important in determining success than the traditional IQ, or Intelligence Quotient.

Most modern education is aimed at improving one’s IQ or at least exploiting it.  IQ is one’s ability to think in traditional Western ways via analysis and reason.  To some extent IQ is determined by our heredity.

IQ tends to exploit a lot of facts and then apply traditional “rational” syllogistic reasoning to these facts to make decisions and draw conclusions.

I have always been amazed at how many very high IQ people don’t seem to do too well in either their professional life or their personal life, or both. Have you ever noticed this?

On the other hand, EQ measures one’s abilities to handle one’s emotions and, in particular, one’s dealing with various situations one encounters from an emotional standpoint.

Clearly, one’s decisions can be profoundly impacted by how one reacts emotionally to a situation.  EQ can, and often does, override IQ in decision making.

EQ is not addressed very systematically, if at all, in our traditional educational processes.  Indeed, I suspect that much of the problems we have with so called ADD kids has to do with EQ management.

Fortunately, EQ can be impacted via education, perhaps even more that IQ can.  Tremendous results can be achieved by appropriate EQ improvements.  This message is about how anyone can improve their EQ and enjoy the concomitant successes in both their professional and personal lives.

Chapter 3:  What constitutes a high EQ? 

What are the emotions that lead us to make wise decisions and deal with the many “problems” of life in such a way as to get the best results we desire?   After all, as Zorba the Greek said, “Problems?  Life is problems.”

What do you think are for you the most desirable emotions to achieve success, i.e. the results you desire?

My answer is Love, first and foremost.  There are many kinds and variations of love.  I probably can’t define it for you if you don’t know what it is.

Just think of all the people and things you have loved in your life.  Certainly love of parents is different than love of children, or love of spouse, or love of friends, etc.

We probably need many different words to adequately express all the types of love we experience and feel.  I will simply assume you know what love means to you.

Do you agree Love is the single most important and desirable emotion?

A close second, and perhaps a kind of love, is Appreciation or Thankfulness.    Humility is often a derivative of Appreciation.  It, too, is a very “good” emotion.

Then there is Joy.  This can come from being in a really pleasant environment or situation.  Or, often Joy comes from being in a condition of Flow as defined by Dr. Mike in his great book, Flow.  Joy also is often a derivative of Love and Appreciation.

Emotions are feelings with a strong physical component .  They can be difficult to adequately describe or define by words.  But, I will assume you know what to you are good emotions, however you label them or rank them in importance.

What about “bad” emotions?

To me the bad emotions include things like Anger and Fear and Hate.  Again, these are feelings we all know too well.  I’ll assume you are well acquainted with these emotions too.

Today we all know the good emotions promote good health in a wide variety of ways, probably many more numerous than any of us realize unless we are highly trained in human physiology.

And, the bad emotions destroy good health.  Everything from hormones, immune system, cardiovascular system, digestion system, to mental health is profoundly affected by our emotions.  Indeed, even susceptibility to infectious disease is affected by these derivatives to our emotions.

For many of us, our mental health and our judgment are severely affected by our emotions.  Often we are not as aware of this as we might be, but upon reflection we can see how pervasive our emotions are in our decision making and interaction with our environment.

It is easy to observe that it is very difficult for the good emotions to exist simultaneously with the bad emotions.  A great feeling of love and appreciation can be quenched immediately by sudden anger or fear.

Unfortunately, the bad emotions often overwhelm us and drive out our good emotions.  This is particularly true if we haven’t been trained properly.  This is called having a low EQ.

Chapter 4:  Our Goals

One goal is to get to a point where our good emotions vastly predominate over our bad emotions, or in other words, to achieve a high EQ.

Our lives can be literally transformed if we can somehow get our good emotions to dominate over our bad emotions.  Notice, this is relative.  Probably the best any of us can hope for is the 80 – 20 rule.

If we can get our good emotions to be present 80% of the time and the bad emotions only 20% of the time we will probably be pretty healthy in all ways.  Unfortunately, sometimes it goes the other way and we suffer dearly when it is 80% Bad and only 20% Good.

The purpose of this message is to show you a way to achieve the 80 – 20 Good/Bad ratio, or better, almost all of the time.  Indeed, with practice you may find you can get yourself into a state where your Good Emotions are what you feel and experience almost all of the time.  That is sort of our “Ultimate Goal”.

There has been much research and testing done to show the myriad ways our emotions affect our health, both physical and mental.

Also, much has been done to show how our emotions affect our many interpersonal relationships, both business and private.  And, also studies have been done to show how our emotions can profoundly affect our job performance in our professional life.

Some advanced science theories have been created to explain how our emotions affect all of these aspects of our lives.  One can spend much time, almost an unlimited amount of time, in learning and discovering how nature really works.

However, here I will simply discuss with you one beautiful and simple way you can achieve the Good emotions as your dominant emotions virtually anytime and all the time.  It is remarkable.

You don’t have to understand the very complex way these emotions then affect all aspects of your life, you simply can observe them and enjoy these benefits.

Indeed, I will show you three specific Meditations.  I did not invent these.  I learned them many years ago and they helped me immensely in my own life. I could easily write many pages describing how profound an influence these Meditations and ideas had on my own life, both personal and professional.  But, I will spare you that here.

Suffice it to say it enabled me to overcome several debilitating addictions, and several “failures” in my life.  Indeed, I am confident I would have been dead long ago were it not for these Meditations and knowledge.

I am honored to share this knowledge with you.

Chapter 5:  The Underlying Ideas

The brain seems to be where we think and seems to be the origin of our emotions as well as our thoughts.  But, the brain in our head is only a small part of the total “brain system”.

Our emotions are feelings and are created by a complex interaction of all the organs and cells in our body.  Our entire nervous system and endocrine system and cardiovascular system create and affect our emotions, whatever they are. Just think of our emotions as feelings.

The heart is a very complex organism.  Of course, it is a super pump far superior to any pump ever designed by man.  But, did you know that your heart contains tens of thousands of neurons or nerve cells that are a type of brain?

Indeed, your brain is a vast collection of sub-brains that work both individually and collectively to do all the things our brain does.

Virtually, all of our electro-chemical processes that we call life are affected or controlled by our brain.  The heart’s brain is one part of the whole body’s brain.  Indeed, the heart’s brain communicates in both directions with the head’s brain.

And, indeed, via our nervous system we can think of our brain as distributed throughout our entire body in a very fractal sense.

There is much evidence to indicate that the heart-brain has a great deal to do with our emotions.  Indeed, our emotions and our physical processes are intimately connected.

Do you believe this?  Were you ever so frightened you lost control of a bodily function, so to speak?  Our emotions actually affect virtually every aspect of our physical body and its processes.

Fear can make you weak or strong.  Ditto for anger.  Hate can destroy appetite and digestion processes.  Love can make you feel absolutely grand.  And, so on ad-infinitum.

The Meditations I will teach you are a little like meditation or prayer, but not the same.  Indeed, they have no religious connotation at all.  And, these Meditations do not need to replace meditation or prayer if you practice these.

Rather these Meditations should supplement and enhance whatever you are currently benefiting from.  Indeed, continue doing the things you now do that you enjoy or that you feel are beneficial.

What I am going to teach you is not much more difficult than “counting to ten” or taking a few deep breaths.  But, it is much more profound in its effects, as you will learn.

You needn’t take my word for any of these things I am telling you.  Simply try out these Meditations and observe the results.  If they don’t help you then obviously you will stop them and forget all about this.

It will take you a few hours to master and practice these Meditations to determine for yourself if you will benefit as I have.  In less time than you could read one book explaining these things you can try them and decide for yourself.

Chapter 6:  The First Meditation  —  Love

 This is the foundation for all three Meditations and is the Meditation I use first and most often throughout my life.

1.  Think of at least one thing that evokes a feeling of Love for you.  You needn’t tell anyone.  It can be anything that evokes a strong feeling of Love.  Notice I said Feeling of Love.  It might be your spouse, your child, your pet, your parent, your sibling, your home, your favorite car, anything.  Sit quietly and think about this thing until you experience the feeling of Love.  IF you can not do this, then try to think of something for which you feel Appreciation and Thankfulness.  In other words, you must find something that you can imagine or think about that evokes a strong “good” emotion in the form of Feeling.

2.  Try to evoke the Feeling of Love or appreciation for a few minutes at a time several times.  Note you can be in a quiet place or a busy place.  Sometimes music helps with this.  Listen to some favorite music if this helps you evoke this strong positive emotional feeling.

3.  Now sit down still somewhere, preferably a quiet place, and concentrate on your breathing.  Simply notice your breathing.  While noticing your breathing think about your heart in the middle of your chest.  Now imagine that your breath is coming through your heart into your lungs.  This is imagination.  Just imagine your breathing is connected to your heart.  After all, in a way it is.  Your heart is pumping blood through your lungs which are refreshing your blood with fresh oxygen you are breathing in.  Just think of your breathing and your heart pumping as being connected.  This may seem silly or phony.  That’s your adult mind judging the situation.  Be a little childlike and just play this game.  Breathe in and out through your heart, in your imagination.  Try to focus on your breathing and your heartbeat if you can detect it.  Eventually you will probably feel your heart beating as you breathe.

Now we will put these two exercises together into one ten minute experience as follows called: The Love Meditation.

1.   Concentrate and focus on your breathing and imagine you are breathing through your heart.  Do this for about ten seconds. 

 2.   Now experience the Feeling of Love or Appreciation while focusing on your Heart-Breathing.  Do this for several minutes.

 3.   If thoughts come into your head, don’t worry about it.  Simply gently shove them away and focus on your breathing and Feeling of Love.

 4.   After practicing this for a few times it should become very easy and feel natural to you.  Do this several times a day for a few minutes each time.  You will notice a deepening relaxation feeling the more you do this.  You will also notice it is easier and easier to get into this state of Feeling and focus on Heart-Breathing.

This is called the Love Meditation.

Seems ridiculously simple, doesn’t it?

Well it is.  But, its effect will, over time, be profound on both your mental being and your physical being.

Many processes in your body will become “entrained” and your body will achieve a very profound balance that will promote many very healthful processes.  These have been measured in the laboratory with many different people and the results are indisputable and profound.

You may notice an improvement in your physical health and/or your mental health within a fairly short time. Obviously, it will depend on where you are starting from, and will vary from person to person.  For some people, it will be quite dramatic.  If you are already healthy and happy, it probably won’t change much.

What’s next?

Chapter 7:  The Second Meditation  —  Time Out

Time Out is something that helps virtually everyone, since we are all subject to emotionally stressful situations from time to time.  Love will prepare you to practice Time Out easily.

Suppose you are in a particularly stressful or emotionally disturbing situation.  Something in your environment is causing you to have “bad emotions” of fear or anger, on one of their derivative emotions like sadness.

The problem could be one of loss as in grief, or one of fear of loss as in worrying about losing your job, or losing a loved one such as having a child in war, etc., or a stressful anticipated confrontation.

There are many situations where we experience unhealthy emotions I am calling “bad” emotions.  I don’t mean bad in the sense of evil or wrong.  I mean bad in the sense they are harmful to your mental and physical health and your well being.

We all have these bad emotions from time to time, and sometimes they seem overwhelming.  So, there are actually two more Meditations you will benefit from.

The first one, Time Out, is to help you cope with an immediate “in the moment” stressful situation which is yielding a bad emotion.  This could be a fight or argument with someone, an anticipated confrontation, or a threat of some sort.

The second, Healing, will help you deal with an on-going emotional stressor, like a bad boss, or a difficult child, or an ongoing problem with a loved one.  Again these are common situations most of us face at one time or another in our lives.

So here is The Second Meditation  —  Time Out

You are involved in some situation which is creating a bad emotion like fear or anger.  This Meditation will not change the situation directly, but it will help you deal with the bad emotion you are having, which in turn will empower you to deal with the situation in a better,  more constructive way.

1.   Recognize the stressful feeling or bad emotion and take a “time out”.  This we call Time Out, like pausing a video or freezing a frame in a movie, or taking a “time out” in a fast paced game or sport.

 2.   Focus your attention away from your racing thoughts or disturbed emotion and focus on the area around your heart.  Pretend you are breathing through your heart just like you did in Love.  Do this for at least ten seconds.

 3.   Recall a positive time of your life that induced a good emotion.  Or, focus on something you love like a child or loved one.  Or focus on a place you find very peaceful and enjoyable.  Do this for ten seconds or more until you feel the bad emotion subsiding and a good emotion coming on.

4.   Now, ask your heart what would be a better response to the situation emotionally that would minimize your stress going forward.  Wait.  Be patient.  Listen.

5.   “Listen” to what your heart might tell you.  This will be in the form of some type of answer you will “hear” in your head.  It will be some thought that comes to you.  After all, your mind is constantly coming up with thoughts.

6.   You will be amazed at the “common sense” answers that will come to you.  Deep down your subconscious mind, or heart, knows what a proper or better emotional response is.  You are simply letting your mind escape the “heat of the moment”.

The point of this Time Out Meditation is not to change the external situation, but rather change your emotional response to it.  This will be very beneficial to your health.  Furthermore, and . . .

Ironically, when your emotion is improved, your ability to actually deal with the external situation will improve too and that in turn usually will improve the external situation.

Example.  You are having a fight with a loved one that is making you very angry.  Do a Time Out and create a better emotion.

First, this will help you both mentally and physically.

Second, you will now be better able to craft an appropriate response in this fight.  For example, instead of snapping back you might be able to express some empathy for your loved one’s stress and subsequent harmful emotion and behavior.

Love will always trump anger if you can give it a chance to do so.  But, if you let anger win, you will lose the love.

Many a marriage is destroyed this way.

Children and parents are alienated this way.

Jobs are lost this way.

Business relationships are ruined this way.

Friendships are destroyed this way.

All so unnecessary, if only one party had a higher E.Q.

Think of examples in your life where this has happened to you and looking back might have been avoidable if only you had “controlled” your emotions and subsequent behavior in a different way.

About ten years into my marriage, with a woman I had loved deeply when we were married and the early years of our marriage, we began to have frequent “fights” or arguments over all sorts of stressors in our life.  These fights became more frequent and vitriolic.

I “fell out of love” with my wife.  However, she is a great mother to our children and I loved my children so much I wanted to stay in the marriage.   But, because both my wife and I were so volatile and reactive to the stressors in our lives we couldn’t continue this way.

So I decided that we would not have any more fights.  After all, “it takes two to tango”.  So here’s what I did.

Whenever a stressful situation arose I simply went to a Time Out and got my emotions under control.  And, then I did not react automatically and let a fight get going.  Often, I could see her point of view, which was usually very reasonable, and then react in a supportive and loving way.

I learned from my Healing Meditations (see next Chapter) to start giving compliments on anything she did that I appreciated.

In a fairly short time, my wife began to reciprocate and not only did our fights cease, she began to give me compliments too.  Within less than a year I fell very deeply in love with her, and she with me.  This love was of a different deeper quality than our original love.

That was over thirty years ago and I love her more deeply now than ever.  Our love has only grown and magnified over time.  We still have stressors in our lives.  But, I always practice a Time Out and control my emotions and reactions.  When she does something that would have induced anger and a negative reaction in the past, I usually just treat it with humor.

This same thing has happened with many other people in my life.  I used it often in the interactions with my children, and employees, and business associates.  Today, I am surrounded by many loved ones and I attribute it to the three Secrets you are now learning.  I hope you have similar experiences.  Life is Good.  If you make it so.

Chapter 8:  The Third Meditation  —  Healing

Most of us have experiences that are emotionally disturbing over a long period of time, especially if we don’t deal with them at the time.

These experiences usually involve actions of other people or our own actions that are very disturbing to us and lead to a variety of negative emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, etc.

The challenge is to deal with these negative emotions,  that can only hurt us in the long run.

First, consider that you can not change the past.  And, you probably can’t erase the memories of it.  And, these memories tend to invoke the “bad” emotions whenever we think of them or recall them.  That is our problem.

So, what to do?

There is a six step process somewhat similar to Time Out that often helps a great deal.

Remember, your goal should be to get rid of the bad emotions your memory induces, not to change the past.

One thing you will need to do is to “disassociate” from your memory.  Try to think of it as an observer of a play in which you are an actor.

One way to do this is to place yourself in the remembered, and now imaginary, situation as an actor, and then watch yourself as an outside observer of this “play”.

This Meditation utilizes a technique from NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) used to overcome phobias.

The Healing Meditation.

Step 1.  Focus on your memory of the situation and how it makes you feel.

Step 2.  Just like Time Out, focus on your Heart and Breath in Love and Appreciation for at least ten seconds until you experience the feeling of Love.  This will be easier to do after you have practiced the Time Out Meditation and the Love Mediation, which you should do regularly.

Step 3.  Focus on your problem in a disassociated way  –  like it’s someone else’s problem.  Watch the “play” in the theater of your imagination.

Step 4.  Rest in Neutral   Just watch yourself in the “play”.

Step 5.  Soak in this state and watch the Significance of the negative emotion in your character in your play begin to dissolve.  Note as the significance dissolves, the “bad” emotion will reduce.  [In time, the memory may become less vivid.  But, you are not trying to forget, rather you are trying to reduce and eventually eliminate the negative emotion.]

Step 6.  After a while, ask your Heart for guidance and insight in dealing with this bad emotion.  [This will probably involve invoking forgiveness of the source of your bad emotion in your memory, whether it is you or someone else or something else.  Maybe, it was just some horrible “act of God” and you must forgive God.]

Step 7.  After a while, when you are ready, just focus on appreciation or love.

Repeat the Healing Meditation until this memory ceases to induce the bad emotion.  It may take many times spread over time.  It will depend on how deep or severe this memory and its induced bad emotions are.  But, usually it won’t take too long.

Remember, you can’t change the past.  You are only trying to improve your present, and future, by not having a bad emotion induced by this memory.

Interestingly, we have learned that memories are not static.  Every time we remember a memory we then re-remember it.  That is why memories can be changed and distorted over time.

Better yet, the attached emotions can also be changed over time.  That is the idea.  You are not trying to rewrite the past or eliminate the memory.  What you are doing is to eliminate the bad emotion, which hurts you.

Example.  You have had a bad experience with a bully that hurt and terrified you.  Every time you remember it you are filled with anger and terror.  It may give you nightmares.

You can’t help but remembering it frequently and each time experience these bad emotions which are very hurtful to your health both mental and physical.

You realize the past is past and you can’t change that.  You probably can’t change your memory either.

But, here is what you can do.

First, forgive the bully.  This does not condone the hurtful action.

Then, practice the Healing Meditation.  The purpose is to attenuate and eventually eliminate the bad emotions that are induced by the memory.  This in turn, will tend to dim the memory.  Indeed, this memory will probably eventually fade away.

A similar thing applies to a post stress syndrome from some horrible experience you had in the past like child abuse or military experience or any other horrible experience.

You can’t change the past.  But you can desensitize to its memory.  Not forget it.  But, not have it obsess you and generate bad emotions.

Practice Love and Time Out first.  Then apply Healing to these nagging and in some cases worse situations.


The first 8 Chapters are designed to help you, or anyone, improve your life by elevating your E.Q.

These three Meditations are perfectly understandable within our classical scientific paradigms.  The Mind­-Body connection is well known and documented and understood by virtually all educated people today.

The remaining material is of a different nature.  It is NOT explainable within today’s accepted scientific paradigms.  Many people will find it unbelievable and classify it as nonsense.  And, as you will learn, for them that will be true.

If you are not open to new and controversial ideas, then I urge you to quit reading and simply focus on what you have learned in the first three “secrets” so far.  They are extremely useful and I would hate to see you miss out on them because you dismiss them because of the last two secrets I am about share with you.

I have considered not putting these last two secrets in this message.  But, at least for now I have decided it will be better for you to have them available.  What I would urge you to do is read another message I have written for you first.

It is titled “Collapse of the Science vs Religion Schism”.

Please get your copy and read it first.  This will be especially true if you read these last two secrets and are unsettled by them.  Before you totally reject them, please keep an open mind and read this companion message.

Chapter 9:  The Fourth Meditation  —  Acquisition

 First, some Preparation

Suppose there is something “wrong” with you, or lacking in your life.  It could be physical or mental or spiritual.  By “wrong” we mean it is something you would like to change or acquire, which we will call “Acquisition”.

The question is:  “How do you cause or create the Acquisition?”

There is an answer, but it will probably surprise you and, indeed, you probably won’t believe it until you practice it and create an Acquisition for yourself.

To help you suspend your skepticism or disbelief of what I am about to tell you first consider a few of the following “facts” we do know.  My message, “Collapse of the Science vs Religion Schism – a 400 Year Odyssey” is also a good prerequisite.

Consider electricity.  You take it for granted and use it all the time.  If for some reason you could not have access to all the modern technologies that use electricity your life would totally change.  Most of us today would not consider life worth living if we could have no access to electricity.

Just think about it for a while and contemplate it. Consider that humans were totally unaware of electricity as we know it today for virtually all of human history. It’s difficult to imagine life before electricity.  Few of us would really want to live pre-20th Century.

Electricity is everywhere in all physical materials.  But, it is very subtle and required tremendous insights to discover it, much less harness its power.

Ben Franklin began to understand it in the 1700’s in terms of lightning rods and batteries.  Then in the 1800’s Michael Faraday related electricity current to magnetism in a series of brilliant, yet very subtle, experiments.

This led the great genius physicist Maxwell to discover the mathematical model, called Maxwell’s equations, which then led to the great technologies developed by such great scientists as Tesla, and lesser extent Edison.

And then, the modern physics theory of Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED) was developed by many brilliant scientists from Planck and Einstein to Feynman.  And, many of our modern technologies have been developed from this wonderful model.

Most people today are totally unaware of and have no real understanding of these models.  We just all benefit from these wonderful technologies and take them for granted.

YOU are in the small % of all humans who have ever lived who enjoy these amazing technologies.  You do not have to understand these models to benefit from the technologies derived from them.

Right now you have many muons passing through your body.  Did you know that?  A muon is a “heavy electron” which is about 200 times the mass of an ordinary electron and only exists for a few milliseconds before it decays into an ordinary electron.

These muons passing through your body right now are the byproducts of cosmic rays colliding with atoms in our upper atmosphere which produce these muons which then travel into the earth, through your body, before disintegrating.

And, in fact they only last long enough to do this due to the time dilation due to their high speed as predicted by Einstein’s Special Relativity Theory.  Did you know that?

So far, everything I have told you is indisputable and easy to prove with modern technology developed from modern science “theories”.  And, it has been known for many decades by modern scientists.

I could easily tell you many more such stories.  The truth is most of us are totally ignorant of most of the things that are going on in us and around us.

For instance, only recently have we come to realize that the trillions of microbes living all through our bodies are critical to our health and well being.

Our microbiome, as it is called, may be more important than our genes to our health.  Our microbiome has many more genes (40:1), which encode for proteins, than our own DNA does.  This is something our technologies have revealed to us in just the last decade or so.  We are just beginning to understand it and it promises to have a major impact on our healthcare system.

We have only recently learned that our emotions have a direct effect on the expression of our own DNA as it directs the production of our proteins.  Our emotions directly impact our health in many known, and many unknown, ways.

It appears that our beliefs also have a similar impact.   Our DNA holds the “blueprint” for our protein production system, but the interpretation of that DNA blueprint is dramatically affected by other factors such as environmental chemicals, especially in our modern processed foods, and by our emotions and beliefs.

Any honest modern scientist will acknowledge that while we know much more than we did in the past, even the recent past, there is also much more we are still ignorant of.

And, many of the things we discover we learn from experience before we really have any theory or model to explain them.  Or our models are tentative at best.

In cosmology today there are two things known about experimentally, dark matter and dark energy, which we have no model for.  They exist we believe from our experience, but we don’t know what they are, or where they come from.  The truth is we are quite ignorant.  It seems like the more we learn, the more we become aware of things we are ignorant of.

Any honest modern scientist, or mathematician, is, or should be, very humble.  The more we learn the more we are aware of things we don’t understand.

Mathematicians have always known this in mathematics.  And, after all, mathematics is the language of modern western science.    So much for the Background.    Get Ready.

Chapter 10:  And, Now . . . . . . Heeeeeeere’s . . . . . . Acquisition!

There is a type of FORCE FIELD that permeates everything.

It is not an ordinary physical field!  It is holographic in nature and it transcends space and time.

This means that everything is interconnected, and that any action is virtually instantaneously transmitted everywhere. And this Force Field affects ordinary physical matter in subtle ways.

Now, this is impossible to “understand” in some ordinary intuitive way for most humans, certainly me.

After all, the brilliant physicist Richard Feynman even said this about Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED) for which he won a Nobel Prize for his contribution in formulating this theory.  He said he couldn’t understand QED in any satisfactory intuitive way.

Einstein didn’t believe it either.  He called it “Spooky” and devoted much of his life, trying to somehow deal with it.  And, he failed.

And this Non-physical Force Field is even stranger.  However, Dr. William Tiller does have a preliminary math model for it.  And, we have much experiential evidence for it, including scientific experimental evidences.

Fortunately, we don’t have to really “understand” it to take full advantage of it, just as we don’t have to fully understand QED to create wonderful technologies from it.

In fact, it is really very easy to utilize this new “technology”.  And, this new “theory” allows us to suspend our natural disbelief of something we don’t understand and accept things as “natural” that we would otherwise consider supernatural miracles.

Here’s how it works.

What will happen to you in the future depends on your beliefs in what will happen and how you transmit these beliefs into the Force Field, which connects to all other things.

Now this is very important.

Your beliefs are not your desires.

Your beliefs are what at your deepest core you think or believe will actually happen.  Often, you are not even aware of your belief regarding something until you meditate or reflect on it very deeply.

And, it can be very difficult to change a belief.  And, therein lies your “problem”.

Fortunately, there is a “solution” to your problem.

Prayer or Meditation,   Properly Done.

This has nothing to do with any religious belief, so I hesitate to use the word prayer.  Nor, does it have anything to do with many traditional meditation Meditations.

However, I use these words since they probably come the closest to what you need to do that most people understand, whether or not they now practice either.

First, decide what it is that you want to  “acquire”.

Think pretty hard about this, and consider the implications once you do get it.  Be aware of the old saying, “Be careful what you pray for since you might get it.”

And, Now the Acquisition Meditation.

1.  Decide on something you really want, call it X.

2.  Create positive emotions via the heart as you have learned to do with the first three Meditations.

Now you must create within yourself the Belief that you are in the process of acquiring X and will soon have X.  You do not have to understand this process.  You just believe it is happening.  God or the Force Field is creating it for you, and guiding you and your activities in creating it.   

3.  Meditate and create the strong feelings that you will experience once you have acquired X.  

4.   Imagine that you have acquired X

5.   Experience the feelings you will have from X.

This is like creating a “play” or “day dream” where you are a character in the play who has acquired X.  Feel the emotions!

6.  Believe the acquisition process is happening and you are acquiring X and will have X in the future. 

That’s it.  Done.   Q.E.D.    (please forgive a mathematician’s pun).

DO NOT just ask or pray for X in the future. 

You must believe you are in the process of acquiring X and will acquire X.

Believe that the process that will produce X for you is already engaged and is producing X for you right now and will “deliver” X to you.

I know this probably sounds Hokey to you.  It certainly did to me when I discovered it.  But, then I thought back on my own life.

For some reasons I don’t really understand I have always believed in certain things that would happen for me, and they have then happened, often in ways I could not have planned or anticipated.

I take long walks and “day dream”, a form of meditation, about these things I will acquire and experience the emotions I will enjoy from these acquisitions right now.  In my “play” I already have the X and am enjoying it and the emotions and feelings it produces.

Often I suddenly get ideas or inspirations of something I need to do.  Many times, an opportunity appears unexpectedly.  When I have this belief somehow “things happen” that I could not have planned or anticipated.  That is the “process” I am referring to.

I could recite a long list of such things, but it would be better for you to think back on your life and think of things you believed in that then came true.

Note, they can be negative things as well as positive things.  In fact, that is often the case.  You believe something negative will happen and it does.  I think this might be the source of some illnesses some people suffer from.

The Force Field is not judgmental, like we are.  It will let you create anything you believe in, whether you label it good or bad.

The Force Field which connects to all other people and things in life, in some mysterious ways I don’t pretend to understand, will somehow deliver to you the things you really believe in.

Of course, I don’t understand many of our modern technologies, yet they work just fine.

Creating a strong emotion along with this belief seems to be a critical component of it.

Remember, it is not enough to want something.

You must fervently believe you are getting it.

You must create and experience the feelings that you have it along with the concomitant emotions.

Now, this can be quite difficult.  We often have beliefs we have acquired in our lives that are contradictory to our desires.  We have created our own limitations with our beliefs.

For example, if you believe you are going to always be poor you probably will always be poor, no matter how much you desire otherwise.

If you study the biographies of successful people, it is amazing how much they believed in what they would acquire or achieve, often irrationally by most of our standards.

The belief and strong concomitant emotion must come first.  Then X will happen.

Beliefs are very tricky.  You will have to practice. First,

You will have to believe that what I have just told you is true!

Start with something small and easy to believe. Then, when you get it you will begin to believe that this works.

Then move on to something “larger”.

For example, suppose you want to become wealthy in material goods, say a million dollars for example.

Start by believing that you will acquire a little wealth, say $100. Practice the Acquisition Meditation and believe that you are in the process of acquiring the $100.  Experience the emotion.

You’ll get it.  Then you can shoot higher.

Remember, you must believe it, with emotion.

Notice, if you are skeptical and do not believe in this “nonsense”, then your belief will be fulfilled and you will not get it.  This “technology” will not work for a skeptic.  So, you will need to avoid, or at least ignore, skeptics since their beliefs might be contagious.

What has made it possible for me to believe this stuff is the knowledge that science has now verified the existence of this Force Field, and the holographic nature of our universe.  I have read and understood the works of Dr. William Tiller, for example.

I can “imagine” and believe that there is a mechanism for this to work.  I know that when I meditate with emotion that I send out a “force field” into the holographic universe that can connect with everything, and that this is the way I can cause things to happen with just my beliefs.

There is a lot of evidence of this that also explains many of the so called miracles of the past, and also in my own life.

Many books have been written on these types of things.  But, it is easy to dismiss them as unscientific or supernatural nonsense if you are the pragmatic skeptical type, like me.  Yet, many of these books, and videos, are really tapping into this holographic force field knowledge.

A miracle is something we don’t understand.  If you were to transport your great great grandparents from the mid 1800’s to today, they would be overwhelmed by the “miracles” all around them that you and I take for granted.

Just think TV, Internet, Cell Phones, GPS, Video cameras, 3D Printers etc.   Heck, I am in awe of smart phones, which my grandkids take for granted as everyday ordinary things.  I can’t even believe some of their talking books I recently saw.

Modern science and technology would be more “magical” to 99.9% of all humans who died before 1900 than Harry Potter is to us today.

To me as a mathematician, Mathematica seems unreal.  It is “magical”. I don’t know how it really works.  But, it does.  It has transformed the teaching and learning and practice of mathematics such as calculus and differential equations and much more.

Interestingly enough, many ancient humans believed in, and understood at some level, the existence of this holographic force field and the power of belief and prayer.

Many of the old knowledge and traditions were lost, and “debunked”, with the advent of modern science about 400 years ago in the Western world.

Today we are just rediscovering it and reviving it.  It is amazing how much our most recent scientific understanding is validating much of the ancient wisdom and practices.

For example, we can now understand some of the miracles such as the healings of Jesus described in the Bible.  We now know that healings can be affected via beliefs that are considered miracles by modern conventional medicine.

The Placebo and Nacebo effects prove this beyond doubt.

Anyway, you will now have to explore this new “technology” for yourself.  It might help you to suspend your disbelief if you realize it is being successfully practiced by many people in many situations which you can read about in a plethora of books or watch in videos on YouTube.

Just try it.  Start small.

If a test fails, it is probably because you failed to really believe it.  Just try again.

Start small.  The more you experience success the easier it will get.  Then move on to more ambitious projects.  You can be continually updating your beliefs as you gain more confidence and ability to create new beliefs.

It will be like developing any other skill.  The more you practice the better you will get.  And, it is a skill.  It is a type of technology.  It is like learning to use some new technology.

Chapter 11:  Attachments  – – –  The Source of all Human Misery?   And Happiness?

We are all attached to various things:  Humans, Animals, Inanimate Objects, Money, Pride in our position or accomplishments, etc., etc.

When we lose something we are attached to this often leads to negative emotions such as sadness or grief or fear or anger.  These negative emotions in turn tend to harm our health and many other processes we are engaged in both personal and professional.

A wise man, Dr. A.W. T. Simeons, once wrote that grief is a form of self pity, which in turn can induce harmful consequences to our health.  This angered me greatly until I reflected on it and decided he was right.

Some believe that the primary source of all human misery is attachments, rather their loss or the fear of losing the attachments or the fear of not attaining the attachments.

As I look back over the first seven decades of my life, I think this is true.  I have lost many things I was attached to over the years and those losses often led to strong negative emotions like grief and anger and worse.

In fact, I once contemplated suicide over one such “loss”.   Why?  The grief and sadness were very intense and painful and in my youth I did not realize they would pass in time.   Fortunately, I had other attachments that kept me from carrying it out.

As I lost more and more attachments over the years I learned to suffer less and less.  Why?

Well, first I came to realize that eventually I will lose any particular attachment.  Nothing is permanent.  So, the “mission” is to enjoy each attachment as long as you can and as intensely as you can.  Then when you lose it you still have a good memory of it too.

I also learned that there are an unending set of things you can become attached to.  When I lost my father I grieved so much I became sick.  I really did pity myself.

But, later my first son was born and I came to love him as much as I had my father.  So one attachment was replaced by another.  I even identified him with my father.

Then came many other great attachments.  First more children, and then my wife whom I fell deeply in love with ten years after we were married and had two children, and then grandchildren, etc.

Of course, we become attached to our Habits too   A Habit is an Action we take on a Cue that creates a Result.  We are creatures of a collection of Habits.  We can create new Habits, change old Habits, or even extinguish old Habits.

But, if for some reason we are forced to give up a Habit, it can be an Attachment like anything else.  Giving up the smoking habit caused me a lot of misery.

I have learned that if I lose something I am attached to I can allow myself to have a short period of self pity (i.e. grief), and then focus on other Attachments even if I have to create a new Attachment.

The Attachment I lost that drove me to desire suicide because of my intense self pity and misery was a lover who rejected me.  Then I found another lover, ten years later, who is in all ways much better for me than the one I lost and grieved over.

I never would have found this new lover, my wife of almost fifty years now, had I not lost the old one.  Looking back, I am very thankful the first one rejected me.  So’s my wife!

In fact, as I look back on my life and take a census of all the Attachments I lost, many unwillingly and painfully, I am, without exception, glad I lost them because they were all replaced by Attachments even better than the ones I lost, and which I would not have received had I not lost the original ones.

Life is movement.  Life is temporary.  Life is an unending journey and you never retrace your steps.

Enjoy the journey.  Enjoy each and every Attachment.

But, while you may very briefly grieve over the loss of an Attachment, know that it will be replaced by another one that you otherwise would not have, if you are open to it.

What about death?  After all we are attached to life.  And, of course, we will not grieve our own death, at least not in our current form.

But, we tend to fear the loss of this attachment, especially if we have reason to pinpoint the anticipated time, even approximately.  As Woody Allen once said, “I don’t fear death, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.”

Here’s my current thinking.  A significant part of us resides in the timeless non-physical part of our existence.   I believe that death will open up vast new spiritual experiences that remain impossible for us while we are in this physical incarnation.  It’s what some people call “Heaven”.

These new experiences will be so magnificent that we will not miss our old physical Attachments at all.  In fact, we will realize they were our own creations and in some sense illusory.  That does not mean they were imaginary.  No.  They were as real as anything is in our life.  But, we created them out of our own beliefs and perceptions.

So, I do not fear death.   Nor do I grieve for anyone who beats me to it.   I do “enjoy” a little self pity for a while when a close one dies.  After all, I will miss them.  If it is a really close one I will grieve intensely by crying, and probably have a ‘bad dream’ or two.

But, I focus on the living and the current and future Attachments as quickly as possible.  As they say, “Life is for the Living.”

Many people feel guilt if they don’t experience prolonged grief.  I feel that is due to their misperceptions of reality and how things really are.  I do not feel any guilt, and usually little grief.

In fact, in most cases I celebrate the passing of a loved one believing they will now be entering a new phase of their existence that will be very pleasant for them.  I definitely pray for them to have a joyous experience just as I pray for them while they are alive.

Could I be wrong?  Maybe.  But, I don’t think so.  There is an overwhelming body of anecdotal evidence, and now some convincing scientific evidence for these beliefs.  Of course, most religions, in particular, Christianity believe in these things.

I recommend the works of Dr. William Tiller to anyone wishing for a more scientific confirmation of these things.  In my judgment, Dr. Tiller is our modern Galileo.

Basically, he has come up with a model, and much scientific repeatable experimental evidence, that there is a non-physical universe superimposed on our physical universe.  This is where our spiritual body, or soul, resides, and where we will be going when we die.

Of course, we are already there.  We will just be leaving the physical world.  It will metaphorically be like coming out of a movie theater after being absorbed in a great movie and rejoining our “normal” existence.

Chapter 12:  Proof of the Pudding Opportunity

Let’s do each other a favor.  All I ask of you is to spread the word of this opportunity with people you know and love.

Beyond any doubt, Mathematics opens up many opportunities to understand many things of great interest to many people.

Indeed, it was my mathematics background and understanding that allowed me to discover and learn the things I am sharing with you in this message.

Unfortunately, many people do not believe they can learn and master mathematics.  They have developed a fear or dislike of math due to some experiences they have had.

Would you believe me if I told you that anyone can learn all of the practical mathematics they will need for most ordinary everyday technical activities.  I am talking about Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry, and how to use a Scientific Calculator for all calculations?

In about 50 Hours spread over two or three months for most people.  Easy and Fun and less than $200.

Well it’s true!  And, I can prove it to you.  It is the first two Tiers of my Dr. Del Ten Tier program.

This is a program I have developed over the last five years that is now empowering many people to master the math needed for many job and career opportunities.

If you know anyone who is interested in math for any reason just have them go to and receive my two free ebooks which explain all of this.

Or, you may visit my website: for even more information including a lot of free videos.

Resources I recommend:

Books by Dr. William Tiller

Book by Dr. A.T.W. Simeon that saved my life.

Book by Charles Duhigg

Book by Michael Talbot

Book by Dr. Mike, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

YouTube Video

Mind Science Kept Hidden Documentary:  WE ARE VIBRATIONAL BEINGS.Law of attraction/vibes     

2.5 Hour Video    Great, especially the second half.